Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What's the Big Deal?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 4,000 young people start smoking every day. 1,140 of those will become daily cigarette smokers. When you start smoking at a young age it is more likely that you will become addicted to tobacco. So what? It's your life, teenagers are supposed to make mistakes so that they can learn from them right? Even if there are bad consequences you are only hurting yourself right? And no one should tell you how to live your life.
What if I told you that that is exactly what happens when you choose to start smoking. Instead of teachers, parents, or friends telling you how to live you life it is the tobacco companies. But don't worry, I'm sure they have your best interests in mind. They want you to look cool, and fit it, they want you to feel like you are being rebellious and living the fun and glamorous life. Well that's not entirely true. All they want from you is your loyalty and your
Life is full of tough choices, so let's leave this choice up to the tobacco companies. That way your life will be shorter due to cancer, and emphysema and you won't have as many decisions to make in life. The easy way is always the better way right?
The tobacco companies target youth with their advertising so that they can get you addicted sooner and get more and more of your money. The consequenses of smoking on a young body are devestating. These side effects can start immediately and last for the rest of your life. But smoking makes you cool and desirable. Smoking has been proven to cause several very desirable conditions that will surely
increase your chances of attracting the opposite sex. Check out the list!
  • Reduced lung development (making you less athletic)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Coughing
  • Excess Phlegm (Mmm!! Phlegm!! Pucker up!)
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Atherosclerosis (Basically your arteries get filled up with fat!)
  • Lung Cancer (Breathing isn't important right?)
  • Mouth Cancer
  • Bad Breath
  • Impotence
Well sign me up and pass that lighter!


  1. I hate, hate, hate smoking!!! I have asthma, so I'm allergic to the stuff. Both my grandparents smoke, and have been doing so since age 12!!! I'm surprised they're still alive at 67.

  2. The tobacco company needs to be stopped! Don't people know that they are the number one killers in the nation?

  3. In my Chronic Disease class we watched a clip from MTV's True Life series called "I can't breathe" about a woman named Pam Laffin who dealt first hand with the effects of smoking at a young age. I thought you might like it.
    Here's a link to a video that talks about her in relation to an anti-smoking campaign.
